Cafe Hours: 11AM-3PM Join us for family friendly activities throughout the day!

Investigation Station

Our Investigation Station cart program offers short, informal educational opportunities enjoyed by all ages, centered around themes and topics covered in the galleries. Upcoming activities cover topics such as fingerprinting, […]

Investigation Station

Our Investigation Station cart program offers short, informal educational opportunities enjoyed by all ages, centered around themes and topics covered in the galleries. Upcoming activities cover topics such as fingerprinting, […]

Investigation Station

Our Investigation Station cart program offers short, informal educational opportunities enjoyed by all ages, centered around themes and topics covered in the galleries. Upcoming activities cover topics such as fingerprinting, […]

‘In Death’s Shadow’ Book Signing

Follow the author on a roller-coaster ride story of the life of Retired Deputy U.S. Marshal Robert Leschorn who served a distinguished 28-year career leading the largest and most dangerous […]

Constitution Week – Our 1st Five Freedoms (Middle School)

Teachers! Constitution Week is coming up, and we have virtual lessons specifically designed for your students! Join USMM Outreach Manager Veronica Luna as she talks about what the Constitution means […]

Constitution Week – Our First Five Freedoms (K-2)

Teachers! Constitution Week is coming up, and we have virtual lessons specifically designed for your students! Join USMM Outreach Manager Veronica Luna as she talks about what the Constitution means […]